Benefits of having repeat website visitors

The reasons and benefits of having many repeat visitors to your website

There are many reasons why you would want to have repeat visitors to your website. If you can have repeat visitors, you can develop a relationship with them and you can get multiple chances of making a sale from them. By providing info to your repeat visitors or providing a valuable service for free, you can earn their trust. If your visitors trust you and the advice you give, you will increase your chances of making the sale.

Like any other business, how you conduct relationships with your visitors is the most important part of building your customer base. Make friends out of your customers instead of just asking them to send you money for one reason or another. The trick is to build steady relationships. It is easier to sell to steady customers than to acquire new customers.

7 Steps to Generate Repeat Traffic

The Internet has evolved since its early days. People are no longer surfing the Internet our of curiosity by rather for a specific reason. Since the early days of Internet, people have learned what a website should offer them. Surfers today are purposeful and a demanding lot. When they wade through a sea of information and find a site they want, they will expect it to look professional and informative. There are many ways to provide information and listed are 7 methods of generating repeat traffic.

Step 1 – Content

This is probably why most people come to visit your website. They come to view your content. There is no way you can “drive” them to your website but you can definitely lure them with readable and great content that fits their needs. Give them information of value. Ensure that the information is clear and well written. If you try to sell too hard, you will be sent to marketing oblivion with just a click. People aren’t looking to be sold but rather to be informed. Provide the content that could not be found from your competitor’s site. Nothing will turn off your visitors faster than rehashed ideas. Do not play copycat and offer nothing more than what can already be found elsewhere.

Step 2 – Updated Content

Keep your website content fresh. Update it with new content on a monthly basis if possible. People visit your site to look for up-to-the-minute information. You can meet this need by providing high quality information that’s topical and readable. It should engage your visitors and give them a reason of wanting to come back.

Step 3 – Consistency

Don’t use different elements on each page in your website. Your entire website should have a unified look and feel. Changing formats merely confuses your visitor. Make your site easy to navigate and base all of your visuals on a theme and stick with it. After visiting your website for a few times, a visitor will develop a mental image and expect it. On a similar note, Do not use more than a few different typefaces (fonts) throughout your website. It gets confusing. Everything you do should convey the same message and represent what you stand for.

Step 4 – Credibility

You may be a one-person operation, but the beauty of the Internet is that on one will ever know that if you don’t tell them. Even though you may be working from your bedroom of your house, the appearance of your site needs to be sharp, professional and coherent. Choose your area of expertise and stick with it. Offer only a few related product lines.

Step 5 – Convenience

Ensure your website is easy to get to and easy to use. Do not make life difficult for your visitors. At one time, frames were a craze for website development, but later people found them to be much too complicated. Frame technology allows you to have more than one website on your screen at the same time. With a structure built on frames, a visitor to a site does not know where to focus his or her attention. Using frames become too complex that they were actually discouraging people from using the sites. Make it easy for visitors to get to where they want to go quickly and painlessly.

Step 6 – Clarity

Again, don’t try to confuse your visitor. State your points clearly and straight to the point. Your home page should tell the visitor, “I know what you want. Here’s how to find it.”

Step 7 – Simplicity

Normally when people are surfing the Web, they generally do not want to spend more than a few seconds on any page until they’ve found exactly what they’re looking for. Too much text on your home page will cause your visitor to move on to somewhere else. If you site looks complex and confusing, they will not come back. If they feel comfortable and feel you have something worthwhile to offer them, then they’ll likely come back in the future. If you want only techies to visit your site and do business with you, then use the jargon they understand. If you want scientists, then use their unique language. Use the language that your intended visitors use. Get to the point. And remember, a confused reader will not buy what you have to offer, worse, they will not even take the time to ask you to explain.